You have arrived at the exclusive, official, authorized website for the one and only Azura Mojave, Gazz Queen of Las Vegas. The shortcut URL is GAZZQUEEN.COM.

Who is the Gazz Queen of Las Vegas?
She is a fictional female character whom you will meet during an immersive theatre production intended to be staged in a small, intimate venue in Las Vegas.- This is a female-centric satire spotlighting a character known as Azura Mojave, Gazz Queen of Las Vegas—present-day fictional Las Vegas podcast personality who dispenses advice and commentary about human sexuality and behaviors online. This character is an homage to a certain 1980 New York City radio personality with a German accent who gave candid advice on sexual behaviors on the air to her listeners.
- Listen to the worldwide debut of this kinky character in “Sex Advice from the Vegas Gazz Queen” — an explicit satire in a podcast episode released August 1, 2023:
- The whimsical, self-deprecating podcast series which is depicted in the theatre production tackles major issues of the present day including the real-world parenting challenges when you have gay children, the nonacceptance and prejudice directed towards men who get costumed as females for drag performances in front of an audience, and the growing national American prejudice against young trans people.
- An integral part of the intended Las Vegas theatre production is the use of contemporary adaptations of eternally-relevant sentimental romance songs from nearly one hundred years ago featuring music and lyrics by Cole Porter. The songs are intended to be performed live on stage by an all-female house band.
- The Las Vegas theatrical play script is available for downloading. Register and log in first.
Contact Madeira Desouza to learn more about the Gazz Queen of Las Vegas.